Just like real food, our body needs food for the soul to fuel us. We physically break down when we aren't fed, but we mentally break down when our soul is not fed. Eating well, healthy lifestyle and positive relationships are essentials to building a healthy mind, body, and spirit. I've identified four elements which I believe are attributes to living a full life. They are themed Travel, Eat, Play, and Learn. While these key elements aren't essential to pure survival, I believe they are essential to the wellbeing of the human soul.
Travel. Traveling allows you to experience the world from different angles and step away from your routine to something new, smell a different kind of air essentially. Good or bad, you'll learn some thing from that air you breathe in! We create memories, digest and reflect upon our new experiences that helps us understand this world better and hopefully find more appreciation in the time we live in.
Eat. We all know having a healthy diet and eating well contributes to a better physical anatomy, but it also tasting different kinds of foods fine tunes your pallet enhancing your ability distinguish the smallest differences in tastes. We are surrounded by food when were happy, when we are celebrating, when we are sad, when we are hungry, so why not take in the best of it?
We spent hours and hours working, and working out afterwards so we can keep working the next day, and spend almost 40% of our lives working, we deserve to have some play time (yes, even as adults!) so have some fun in this hardworking life. Most of us work so hard to support families, to keep food on table, to pay our bills and dwellings. Even if your wallet is tight we can still take time out to enjoy life; its essential to your soul! If you take a healthy break things aren't going to fall apart. trust me. It pays off!
Learn. Ultimately, our purpose on earth is to experience life and learn. It gives us meaning and vitality, and it makes living more interesting. On a practical level, learning is exercise for our brain, essential to keep our brains active & healthy. Without a learning mentality, you can find yourself in a"dull"state, and slowly being phased out over time as this changing world passes you by. If we can learn to embrace change, new challenges; push boundaries, we allow ourselves the opportunity to experience something phenonenal; growth and all that comes with it, it truly can be transformational. Often times you gain new insights that freshens up your worldviews and rejuvenate your life!
Play. Too often we are conditioned to believe that life as we know it, the path we are conditioned to believe is the life we must follow and cannot break from this cycle because there are no other way to live. What ends up happening is that we find ourselves "too busy" living a life enslaving ourselves to support our family, our kids, my mortgage, and the list goes on. While these are at large fulfilling for most, and holds true for most; these commitments do occupy most of our time and take up a lot of energy, ultimately it becomes our way of not just living but thinking."Play", becomes a foreign concept and considered a luxury and people simply forget to make time for it. We all have an inner child inside and sometimes we need to take a break and have some fun (soul food) to keep ourselves sane. I encourage you to find your passion and take time to pursue that, wherever you are in life. What matters is not what we do but how we think. I've come to prove the life we are taught to accept certain things as "a way of life", and this is very much a false perception and does nothing but makes us feel helpless. It is a mindset that we put ourselves in that limits possibilities to being able to fully enjoy a more enriching life.
I created this blog to share personal experiences, to express my thoughts and feelings, and hopefully gain substantive insights into the world of confusion, world of hunger, world of ambition, and world of emotions, a world of resistance, and a world of hope, and perhaps to give a tiny spiritual lift to those who need it ever so often (self included). I see we are now entering a era making great strides towards equality; where young women are more empowered than ever to pursue their hopes and dreams. From the young women who are just beginning their life journey to women who are starting over midlife making big life transitions, there's now a place for you. Women are now more empowered than ever to have choices rather than being told who we should be. Rather than stuck in our old traditions or belief systems that confines us, we can strive to live the life we hope to achieve. I welcome you in joining me in this journey of self discovery.
Happy Living. Happy Discovering.

I've been very fortunate to have had the opportunity to attend great schools, both undergraduate and post graduate; growing up in a very liberal region in the western world, live in a metropolitan area surrounded by mountains, lakes, rivers and fine restaurants; blessed to have fallen in love and been lost that love, to have been broken and revived, to tried and failed, to have tried and succeeded, to have tried and be living the life I imagined.