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Life: A Journey Through Time

Sometimes we love life, sometimes we hate life. I have to admit, we cannot always be happy with what we have. We simply are not ready to embrace what has happened or is happening to us. Simply because the things we experience we just couldn't immediately comprehend because it makes no sense to us, it's not what we hoped for or expected, therefore we cannot just accept 'What Is'. I think whatever comes our way in this journey - good or bad, we should allow ourselves time to digest and understand that nothing makes sense yet, until we give it time - sometimes years or decades, that we may look back and able to arrive at an understanding. Acceptance. We can always look for that silver lining. Perhaps it is a mindset that we choose to embrace, but it allows us to connect the dots within our lives and makes sense of all the positive & negative events that occurred in our lives. Whether we are living the dream of our life, or feeling like it's in an absolute dread, we should embrace the state that we are currently in. Allowing ourselves to feel: the joy, the pain, all the emotions that come with it as a part of living and as you look back you realize it was those moments are like flavors to your life. Just like food, sometimes it's sweet, sometimes it's bitter, sometimes it's just plain salty! Without the all the flavors everything would just taste bland in your mouth. In this world, all living things follow a natural evolutionary process, each having its own rate and cycle and therefore we should also allow ourselves to live in the moment and let nature run its cycle. So take it all in!

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